Cascades waterfall: an icy hike in Pembroke, VA

UPDATED: 2/4/2023

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I do not like winter - whether it is the actual winter season or a neighboring season playing at being winter on any given day. But, I do appreciate the beauty that can be unique to the season in the form of snow and ice. In my mind, a gorgeous snow is winter's crowning achievement. A few years ago in late winter, some friends and I (and a couple of dogs) trekked out to Cascades waterfall in Pembroke, VA on a warm day and discovered that the shade rendered huge chunks of the 4-mile round-trip hike dangerously slick and icy.

We pushed on in spite of a serious lack of footing and my crazy dog recognizing zero level of danger.  When we made it to the top of the trail, we discovered it was worth it.  Except for a small central part of the 69-foot high waterfall, the rest was frozen solid.  I hadn't brought my "good" camera, which was fortunate given the unsteady climb, but I was able to capture some great shots of the waterfall.  

I've yet to make it back in warmer weather, but I'd imagine it is in one of those micro-climates that would make it a cool hike even in stifling August humidity.  I'm sure one of these days, I'll be posting pictures of the waterfall looking very much alive.  Cascades waterfall has been described as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Virginia, and I have to say that I agree!